Thursday, July 28, 2011

"I want the old Facebook chat back! WAHH WAHH WAHH!"

"The new sidebar is stupid!" "We want the old chat back!" "Whiney whine whine wahhhh!"

Why the FUCK are you people even complaining about this? How many fucking times do I have to explain this to you?

Let me just say it. There IS a way to hide that annoying-ass sidebar that we all hate so much. Of course it's annoying, and of course the old chat works just fine. Just follow these three steps, geez.

"Wow, Emily! You're a fucking GENIUS!"

No sir, I am not a genius. Not yet. You may be asking yourself, "How did she find this miraculous solution to my most vexing problem?" Well, for one, I don't stick my head up my ass every time something new happens to Facebook. With two clicks I figured out how to hide the damned chat sidebar on the day it first appeared.

Now that you know the solution, please stop making Facebook groups saying "X amount of people to get old chat back!" because you look fucking retarded.

That is all.

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