Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I Hate People

Warning: this is an angry rant, so if you don't like listening to angsty ramblings of someone who is fed up with society, I suggest you leave. Like, now.

In one of my previous posts I said, "...I love you..." or something like that. It had to do with me loving everyone, yada yada yada. Well, I take that back.

The reason I'm taking that statement back is because I've recently completely lost all faith in our generation. I've said it before, but it's serious this time. There are several incidents that I've experienced that lead up to this lack of faith. I will explain one of them, then I will go into detail about other ways I hate people.

The main thing I hate about people is that they're stupid. Completely, utterly, and inexorably stupid.

Today in 4th period PE, we had a tornado drill (or whatever that shit was) at the beginning of the period. When that was finished, we went outside to the track (I'm in rotation A). Usually for the track, you walk the curve and run the straightaway. Since I had energy to burn and felt like running/jogging the whole time, I asked Ms. Ettling, "Hey, can I run the whole time?" and she was like "Sure! Go ahead!", so that's what I fucking did.

I started running and passed the cluster of fucktards. Apparently deviating yourself from the crowd is unacceptable to some people. A certain dumbass whose name will remain unsaid and his posse of motherfuckers started yelling at me as I passed them, saying, "You're supposed to walk, dumbass!" and called me names such as 'queer', 'fag', 'tryhard', and one of them yelled, "What is this, the Special Olympics?"

I'd like to say that my sexuality and mental state has NOTHING to do with me running the track. If you're going to try to insult me, at least make sure your insults make some fucking sense. Also, be sure you're willing to run the risk of me turning around and bashing your goddamn face in. I have fists, you know. One more thing: try to find something original to say. Nothing makes you sound dumber than using the same words over and over again.

Note: I'm not posting this story to get sympathy. The only people you should feel sorry for is those dickwads because they're not going to amount to anything, and will probably work in a cubicle for the rest of their lives.

Now on to other things that make me hate people.

Being unobservant. Many people don't take the two seconds to look at things and actually notice what's around them. This girl in freshman seminar today sat two seats in front of me (and no one was sitting directly in front of me). Mr. Senese passed some papers out, and when this chick got the papers, she waved them around behind her head so whoever sat behind her would take the papers. Well OBVIOUSLY there was nobody behind her so I had to get up and grab the papers from her hand because she was too fucking lazy to just turn around and reach to hand me the papers. This happened twice. The first time, she was waving the papers around, but finally she turned around and saw that I had to get up to get the papers. But apparently some people have short-term memory loss, and she 'forgot' that nobody was sitting behind her. So she did it again. And she was one of those dumb little short chicks. Gahh.

Repeating words. People usually repeat words because they have limited vocabularies. 'Legit' isn't the only word you know how to say, so please, pick up a goddamn thesaurus and find some fucking synonyms.

Immaturity. I deal with enough shit at school, I don't need more of that when I get home.

Those are the main points. There are a select few people who I do not hate, obviously.

The lesson today, children, is to not be fucking stupid.

Thanks for reading. :P

1 comment:

  1. may I join you in the crusade against stupidity? PLEASE?!
